My Online Presence

Just about everyone with a pulse has some kind of online presence today. Even though I have been especially careful in recent years my online presence continues to surprise me. When I search my name, the only result for myself is my LinkedIn profile, great! that is exactly the way I want it since I am currently searching for a job and applying for law schools. The next result for me isn't until the 3rd page of google and it is a link to an article I wrote for an online magazine last fall, Step Up. Again, great! exactly the kind of thing I would want employers seeing. This is followed on the next page of google by my Dean's list announcement.

It is very likely that no one would even go past the first page of the Google search, and the fifth page is probably viewed as much as the dark side of the moon. With how common my name apparently is, combined with my lack of interest in most social media platforms (my Instagram has 6 photos) I feel very comfortable with my online footprint. Perhaps my only concern is how little visibility I have.  If I appear so little when actually searching for myself it raises the question of how often I appear in other searches. Do I appear at all when employers are searching for new employees? Can recruiters find me? and how may the profiles of others with my name affect my life?

While I believe that my online presence is good and appropriate for my professional goals (even google images only brings up a profile picture for Pinterest and the author's photo from Step Up), it does raise the question about how much online visibility one should have in today's online age.


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