escaping the echo chamber

almost every person builds an echo chamber around themselves. We want to hear the things we agree with, we want to surround ourselves with people who agree with us and think the same way we do.
our friends and family often watch or read the same news stories we do, and we choose partners later in life that aligns with our own. This bubble we create relates to the Illusory Truth Effect in that we keep hearing the same information echoing around us and begin to believe this information even if it is not true. Additionally, we do not like to be wrong and we do not like to hear other views that we believe are false or wrong.

To escape this echo chamber we must embrace discussion between ourselves and those with different opinions. while this is not always easy or desirable it is important for personal growth. Until we are challenged or forced to question our own beliefs it is hard to articulate what we actually believe and what we have merely been conditioned to think of as the truth.


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