Its a mad mad World

Are You Guilty?

Just about everyone in today's world is guilty of it. We walk through life plugged into our phones and computers. We scroll, we like, we scroll some more until we realize hours have passed. Our phones are incredible tools but like a hammer, they can both help and hurt. Our phones bring us the news, they connect us to the people we love, and they act as our gateway into the larger world. However, technology has also brought about a culture of anonymity people use it as a weapon to mock, embarrass and abuse other people for amusement with no consequences.

Viral videos circulate without a second thought and our moral fiber is disintegrating. Our celebrities are no longer humanitarians or philanthropists, they are comedians who abuse for amusement and plastic made up dolls. Until we can learn to look up or unplug this cascade will continue to fall. Our fear is that it will only get worse, but it already has.


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