Mass State House hears Bill about Banning the B-word

Massachusetts has been getting plenty of air time in recent days and it is not because of the leaf peepers. On Tuesday the Statehouse heard a bill proposing the banning of the B-word (and I don't mean Bruins). Bill H. 3719 is being sponsored by Democratic State Representative Dan Hunt. Interestingly enough if this bill were to pass it would enter into the same section of the law that criminalizes "common nightwalkers" and "Indecent exposure".

Hunt has filed this bill on the request of his constituent from Dorchester this woman argues that using this word should be a violation of the law because she hears it on a daily basis, is hurt by it, and considers it a form of harassment. While it is not uncommon for Mass. Representative to propose bills on the request of their constituency, the language Hunt's office used in drafting the bill (lack of "by request" explanation) leads some to assume his serious consideration of the bill as worthwhile.

Defenders of the first amendment have not been shy about laughing in the face of this bill, calling is silly and reminding others that "we are in an era challenged by real problems. use of the word 'bitch is not one of them." The ramifications on Free speech that a bill like this could propose are frightening, to say the least. 'Bitch' is barely even considered a swear words by most Americans today which is demonstrated by its use in modern media; the B-word is seen on clothing, mugs, paintings, and can probably be found in just about every female dorm facility in the country in one form or another.

While this Bill would only ban the use of the word in a demeaning way it is unclear who will get to decide what meets that distinguisher. Additionally, likening 'bitch' to terms of hate speech is way more insulting than the word actually is to most people. As a fellow, and proud, Massachusetts resident I would like to strongly encourage this constituent and those that agree with her stance to pick up a newspaper and think beyond their bubble. Maybe instead of trying to get 'Bitch' banned, they should refocus their attention to stop our government from throwing children into cages.


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