Will Trump be impeached?

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi announced yesterday that the house of Representatives is moving forward with an official impeachment inquiry. Since the announcement, President Trump has agreed to release the transcript of his telephone conversation with Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelensky. While this phone call took place in July 2019 it was not until August that an Anonymous member of the intelligence community filed a whistleblower complaint with the inspector general. In the interim between the complaint and now government, bureaucracy has successfully kept this under the radar.
This issue with this phone call is that President Trump used his position and his power to try and pressure the Ukrainian President into launching an investigation into the business dealings of Joe Biden's son in his country. To apply this pressure Trump directed his chief of staff to hold off on releasing military aid to the Ukraine which is currently in a state of conflict.

This situation raises the question of whether or not the President should have the right to withhold evidence of his communications with foreign powers. While national intelligence and National security justify withholding this kind of information from the American public, should the president be able to voluntarily withhold information from Congress? While our system is set up to allow for Congress to demand this information from our President should the Presidents ability to withhold this information, to begin with, be considered an abuse of power? If it were not for the brave person who came forward the congress and the American people may never have known that our sworn leader was dangling military aid like a carrot in order to force a foreign power to investigate a domestic political rival.

The information for this post was found here.


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