North Carolina Cheerleaders put on Probation for Posing with Trump 2020 Poster

Cheerleaders at North Stanley High School in New London NC have been placed on probation after posing for a picture with a Trump 2020 Sign before a football game. The North Carolina School Athletic Association and North Stanley High school officials have justified their decision stating that the students have violated school policy by posing for the picture in uniform while acting as representatives of the school. Officials have received significant blowback from the community as a result of this probation from individuals claiming the punishment violates the students right to free speech. 

The Supreme court case Tinker v. Des Moines upheld the rights of students to enact their right to free speech on school grounds but has also given public some leeway in limiting this right in events that free speech would cause "substantial disruption". While many schools and other public institutions attempt to maintain political neutrality for the benefit of students and staff cases like this raise the question of whether schools have to right to punish students for embracing free speech as well as whether students have the right to practice their free speech while acting as representatives of their school. Several schools across the country have had similar issues specifically among sports teams who choose to create banners which mirror political campaigns.  

I believe these students were well within their right to pose for the picture but also that it may have been inappropriate. These cheerleaders and the students who created the poster have every right to make their opinion known. However, it raises another question of professionalism. As Representatives of a school or any other organization, there must be a separation between individual opinions and group association. As individuals the students may express their support for Trump however as representatives of the school I must side with the school officials that it was unprofessional for the cheerleaders to pose in uniform. 


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