Is american journalism under Attack?

We have all heard the term "fake news" thrown around left and right, especially under the current administration. However, this is having very real and dangerous consequences for American Journalists both at home and abroad. While the US Government has previously acted as a champion for the importance and protection of the Free press under the current administration this is no more. Mr. Sulzberger, publisher of the New York Times Spoke about this is a Talk he delivered Monday at Brown University which has since been turned into an Op-ed piece. Times Journalists have always embraced the dangers of their jobs but these dangers have only been escalating in recent years. More and more journalist are being arrested, tortured, and even killed across the globe for exposing uncomfortable truths that foreign governments are trying to hide.

Previously, in the interest of protecting the freedom of the American Press, the US government and state department have played a critical role in negotiating the releases of journalists and actually making efforts of getting out of the country before the foreign government can carry out arrests. However, the current administration reporters are not being bailed out or even warned that they may be arrested. In one such case, diplomats are actually being told not to warn reporters and may even face punishment for doing so.

All over the world "fake News" is being claimed as a way of discrediting journalists and in attempts to cover up unsightly headlines. In countries like Mynamar, it is even being used to hide the existence of entire groups to silence the outcry of how they are being treated. President Trump has even praised foreign leaders for using the term "fake news". And has failed to speak up when these leaders have threatened the American press if they choose to publish articles which do not coincide with their opinion of the truth.

President Trump's claims of "fake news" is also threatening journalists domestically. Papers who dare to criticize the President are often labeled biased, or dishonest in attempts to delegitimize everything they are saying. In addition to trying to discredit the press, the President is also inciting violent responses with his claims. Several journalists have received various threats from Trump supporters as a result of being accused of creating or publishing Fake news.


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